Topic - Rise Above All Superstitions

|| Namah Shivaya ||

Topic - Rise Above All Superstitions ( सारे अंधविश्वासों से ऊपर उठो )

Babaji says that what we believe that we have strong understanding of religion or community is not or understanding it is superstition.

Community - Shudra, vaishya, Kshatriya, Brahman is our understanding babaji disclouses the truth about our understanding and provide the divine knowledge.
Babaji says the everyone who takes birth is firstly a shudra until and unless he got guru deekhsha, also if a persons kundalini shakti is in muladhar he is a shudra, babaji says shudra is not a caste, do not consider it in other way,shudra means animal thinking and feeling it is not a cast it is the way a person reacts on an act. 
Shudra, Vashya, Kshatriya and brahmin are the stages of understanding and knowledge of the person they are not Castes, these are the stages of consciousness.

Coming to the Vaishya, it does not mean a businessman but it means the stage of consciousness where the person has ability to understand what is "Wrong or Right".
Now when we say Kshatriya, it does not mean the fighter that he has to fight everyone as he is Kshatriya, Kshatriya means that a person who has ability to fight it's inner demons and  limitations and negative emotions/believes  and crushes them, the one who remove all the blockage is known as Kshatriya.
And Last but not the least Brahman, it is also again not a caste or community, it is the consciousness of a person when his/her energy level increased from Rudra Granthi it becomes Brahman.
So,  From now do not consider any person by its caste, understand the consciousness of the person to determine whether it is A Shudra - Vaishya - Kshatriya - Brahman .
For More information over this topic Watch the video below and get the divine knowledge in Babaji avdhoot shivanand ji voice.

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