Shivyog - Purification is the only remedy to a successful life ( सफल जीवन की एकमात्र औषधि शुद्धिकरण )

|| Namah Shivaya ||
Topic -: Purification -The only remedy to a successful life ( सफल जीवन की एकमात्र औषधि शुद्धिकरण )
Today Everyone wants to be a successful life, and everyone is doing something to achieve this, Babaji says that we did not take birth to live life in sorrow but we have to success and achieve whatever we want, Happiness and sorrow are the cycles that one comes other will go, So Babaji provide the divine knowledge and the remedy for a successful life.
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Babaji Says if you follow the path of shivyog you will not be unsuccessful in any work, success is your feet but you have to follow the path that says Love each and everyone unconditionally, accept each and everyone as they are, and Forgive everyone does not attach with any negativity.
So we have three Keys that are -:

  1. Love Everyone Unconditionally
  2. Accept Everyone Unconditionally
  3. Forgive Everyone Unconditionally
For more information on this topic watch out the video below in the Divine Voice of Babaji Avdhoot Shivanand Ji. Please Subscribe the Blog For Latest update by submitting your Email

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