Shivyog - Rules for Expansion of mind ( दिमाग के विस्तार के लिए नियम )

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Topic - Shivyog - Rules for Expansion of mind ( दिमाग के विस्तार के लिए नियम )
Babaji avdhoot shivanad Ji says that we must aware of three Arts -:
  1. Art of Birthing
  2. Art of awakening and
  3. Art of Dying  
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Babaji says it is our birth right to learn and have these 3 Arts, further Babaji added I you buy a small computer and you learn about that computer containing only a limited memory approx 80GB, and Babaji says your mind has the capacity to 30 trillion GB's of memory cells inside you, but due to the physical world you are not searching yourself that there is abandon amount of knowledge or information is within you only you have to expand your mind by self-realisation.

There is nothing that you can not do and a computer can, in fact, there are things that you can perform and a computer can not so Babaji says that do not limit the thoughts and thinking always ask What, Why and How in a situation.

Babaji says that believe in yourself and you can do anything you want, awake your soul and the awaking of power started and you can create whatever you want.Babaji says we use only 4% of our mind powers whereas 96% of mind power is not used due to negativity, psychic impression, and negative karmas So Babaji ask us to release those stuck emotions awaken the soul power within you.

For more information on this topic watch out the video below in the Divine Voice of Babaji Avdhoot Shivanand Ji. Please Subscribe the Blog For Latest update by submitting your Email

Babaji Says if you follow the path of shivyog you will not be unsuccessful in any work, success is your feet but you have to follow the path that says Love each and everyone unconditionally, accept each and everyone as they are, and Forgive everyone does not attach with any negativity.
So we have three Keys that are -:
  1. Love Everyone Unconditionally
  2. Accept Everyone Unconditionally
  3. Forgive Everyone Unconditionally
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